Thursday, July 24, 2014

40 Weeks & Beyond - The Birth Story

 Hi everyone!  This post is a compilation of my postpartum experiences thus far and the birth story.

How far along? 40 Weeks and 4 Weeks Postpartum - Labor and Delivery
1 Day Postpartum
Total weight gain/loss: I gained a total of 32 lbs during pregnancy.  Two days after birth I was down 17 lbs of those 32.  4 Weeks postpartum I am down 18 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Hang onto those maternity clothes!  You will still wear them for a couple weeks.  I'm still wearing the maternity capris, shorts and jeans.  However, the dresses I bought at the end of the pregnancy are way too big now.  I've been able to get into some of my pre-pregnancy clothes, which is awesome, it's like finding a whole new wardrobe without spending any money.
Stretch marks? No stretch marks!  Phew!  But I have a more defined linea nigra now that my belly is shrinking.
Sleep: Anthony so far has been a great sleeper, eater, pooper and pee-er.  :)  He has given me 2 to 31/2 hour stretches at night between feedings.  I've been finding the longer I can keep him alert during the day, the longer stretches he gives me at night between feedings.

Miss Anything? I don't miss being pregnant, but it's all very surreal that within a day, boom, it's over.  No longer pregnant, no more tiny feet kicking my ribs, the urge to pee every 5 minutes is gone.  I do miss sleeping through the night, but I haven't done that while I was pregnant either because I was getting up to pee so frequently.

Food cravings: I cannot believe the amount  of food I am consuming, but no true cravings.  It's true what they say about breastfeeding burning a ton of calories.  I'm eating a lot, and losing weight which is AWESOME! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No I've been feeling really great, other than pangs of extreme thirst while breastfeeding.  While he drinks, I drink lots of water, almost 10oz. every feeding.

Special things I'm focusing on: Eating healthy, fueling my body for both myself, my milk production and feeding Anthony as healthy as possible through my daily choices. 

Belly Button in or out? It has started to go back in!  Hooray!!

Wedding rings on or off? The wedding rings have been off since 38 weeks, I've been more swollen postpartum in the fingers than I have been my entire pregnancy, but within in the last week, they are fitting better and I've started wearing my wedding band.  I've been skipping the engagement ring to avoid scratching Anthony with it.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  I had some days of  the "baby blues" following Anthony's birth around day 4 postpartum.  The placenta encapsulator I hired, had come to the rescue with that.  As soon as I started taking the placenta capsules, within an hour I started feeling myself again.  Having an infant for the first time has been a bit overwhelming and your mind can take a downward spiral rather quickly with the change of hormones after birth.  Day 4 postpartum was the most extreme hormonal dump I've ever experienced.  Whether eating my placenta is a placebo effect or works for me.  I have restored energy, my mood lifts and overall I feel really great.  I highly recommend the placenta encapsulation to anyone considering it. 
39 Weeks
4 weeks postpartum
 Anthony Edward's - Birth Story

This is the birth story how I remember it...

6.23.2014 ~ 11:45pm

I woke up with cramping and diarrhea then went back to bed.  At 12:45am, again, cramping and diarrhea, went back to bed.  At 1:45am, cramping and still feeling sick to my stomach, I decided to get this it, I wondered??  All this cramping and feeling sick? I went downstairs to avoid waking Eddie just yet in case it was a false alarm.

I started pacing and walking in the living room, sitting on the exercise ball to stretch out my hips in between having the urge to go to the bathroom with a few more episodes of diarrhea which eventually stopped, but the feeling I had to go continued, so I started drinking water to avoid becoming dehydrated.  When I got off the toilet and started gripping the sides of the sink from the discomfort while I washed my hands, I realized those cramps, weren't cramps, they were contractions.  I decided to start timing them.  I used an app on my phone that I downloaded rather quickly...I can't even remember what it's called, but it showed that my contractions were very sporadic.  Every 7 minutes, then it switched to every 3 minutes.  They were not terrible, only lasting about 30 seconds at the most and I'm pretty sure I'd had period cramps worse than this.  I remember thinking...I've got this...this isn't that bad!  :) 

By 3am I continued my pacing in the living room and trips to the bathroom and sitting on the exercise ball, then Buddy started barking randomly, which woke Eddie.  He came downstairs and said, "What are you doing?  Why is Buddy barking?"  I replied, "I don't know why Buddy is barking, but I think I'm having contractions!"  "You are?  What should I do?", he asked.  "Just go back to bed, there really is no consistency yet, so it might be a false alarm, I'll holler for you if I need you."  So Eddie went back to bed for probably about half an hour, then my mind started racing....what do I know?  This could be it, after all, 6/23/2014 was my due date... so I called for Eddie and asked him to call the doctor.  Since in the middle of the night called the emergency number, where he was directed to an answering service to take a message and the doctor would call us right back.  Within 3 minutes the doctor called right back.  We told her the contractions were kind of sporadic still but the contractions were lasting 30 to 60 seconds.  She told us we could probably wait a little bit longer before coming in or to come in and they would see where I was at in dilation.  We hung up with the doctor and decided that waiting to go may not be the best option considering the travel to downtown Baltimore and rush hour would soon be approaching.  We were at the hospital no later than I think, 4:15am.

6.24.2014 ~ Hospital Registration and Admittance

The car ride to the hospital was uneventful, but I quickly came to the conclusion that sitting during contractions was extremely uncomfortable.  We registered into the Labor and Delivery Ward  and were shown into a small room with a bed and bathroom where they took my blood pressure and made me give a urine sample.  They hooked me up to the fetal monitor to monitor baby's heart rate and measure my contractions.  The midwife on duty came in to check my progress on dilation.  That was extremely painful!!  More painful than any of the contractions I had had thus far.  It made me cry.  I was 4 1/2 cm dilated, so they decided to admit me since my contractions were pretty consistent and close together.  Upon admittance, I was given a hep-lock, but requested that I not be hooked up to an IV or the monitors.  So they agreed to intermittent monitoring.  So every hour for 20 minutes they would hook me up to the fetal monitor and track contractions which required me to be still and not walking around so I had the option of either lie in the bed or sit on an exercise, I eventually stuck to the exercise ball during the monitoring, because lying or sitting was still extremely uncomfortable from all the pressure.  The IV they agreed to wait on as well, as long as they saw that I kept hydrated, which Eddie was very good about making me drink some water just about after every contraction. 

Contractions and Labor

Now I know for me, prior to experiencing labor I googled and asked everyone who ever had a baby before what do contractions feel like?  How painful is child birth really?  Although I received some great answers, it still didn't put it in perspective til I was actually going through it.  I'll be honest, the pain was indescribable.  Yes, a contraction felt like a period cramp...a very, very, strong, long cramp.  Some of my contractions lasted over two minutes.  After reading Ina May's book, and pretty dedicated to experience childbirth naturally without any drugs, I knew that after every contraction I'd have a break.  Which was true.  The pain subsided after each and every one... my head could clear and I could actually focus on the conversations that were happening around me.  But during the contractions, I found a focal point (which happened to be a church bell tower in the Baltimore skyline that I could see from our awesome delivery room), I had Eddie and my friend Kristin coaching me on breathing while they alternated doing hip squeezes while I stood beside the bed leaning over it a majority of the time through the labor. 

Eddie reading to me during one of my contractions while being monitored.

Around 9am my doctor came in to check on me.  I couldn't believe it was already 9am!  (I had imagined labor feeling like time was standing still)  I was afraid to be checked on how much further I had dilated.  After all, this baby was coming out one way or another and I figured, why go through that pain again, so I opted out of being checked for quite some time.  The doctor told me no problem...keep on doing what I am doing and call them if I need them.  I didn't want to know where I was...I was afraid it would only be one more centimeter...or worse, I had back tracked and closed up since the last cervix check.  Fortunately, my contractions started getting stronger and longer.  These were the two minute ones....with only about a 15-20 seconds break before another one started.  The doctor revisited about 11:45am and suggested this time that I should be checked with the contractions being so close.  I was scared, exhausted and feeling like I couldn't do this.  Pain medication at this point did enter my mind.  Eddie helped me get on the bed in between at least two contractions.  I am completely grateful for the patience of these doctors and my nurse...they were incredible.  Once I was on the bed I remember how uncomfortable I was, and the doctor inserted what felt like her whole hand to check my progress.  It was still very painful, but the outcome was great.  I was 9 1/2 cm dilated!!  OMG!  That made me feel like a million bucks!  The doctor said that last 1/2 cm she could probably stretch out herself but instead she said, "Lets try pushing!"  I remember feeling shocked to hear her say this.  My water was still unbroken, and pushing is for the end of labor I thought...."Already?" I questioned.  She explained that by pushing during the contraction would force the baby down  on the cervix a little further to open that last 1/2 cm.  "We can have this baby within the next hour!" she said.

So on the next contraction, I pushed.  Or, so I thought I did.  For the last 9 hours I had been coached on breathing to manage the pain of every contraction.  But now I was suppose to hold my breath during those contractions and push like I was pooping.  Needless to say it took me many tries to figure out exactly just how to do that with the pain when all I wanted to do was stand back up, look at my church bell tower and breath. 

Probably by the third real push that I was able to manage...(I felt like I had pushed like ten times) my water broke.  It was the most relief I had had in hours.  Over the next 10 minutes I zoned out.  I think I might have actually slept some.  I did not have one contraction during that time, and I remember feeling concerned and asked the nurse why the contractions had stopped.  She said, "Because your body is preparing for the hardest part.  It's allowing you to rest to push his head out."  Within moments the contractions started again and the pressure below intensified.  The doctor told me again that I need to push like I was pooping and to not breath during the contractions but hold my breath to push. 

I was in my own world at this point.  I was aware of the conversations around me, but not focused on them.  I moaned meditatively on each rest that I had and kept my eyes closed.  Again, I may have napped during some of those breaks.  Every time I felt a contraction approaching, I would say "Uh Oh!"  which my audience found comical and they could then see on the monitor that a contraction was approaching.  I also remember everyone cheering me on to "push! push! push!" which ended up annoying me and I told them all to stop telling me to push!  "I know I have to push!" I barked, but all their cheering made me lose focus on how to push and I needed the silence.

By this point I just remember feeling a lot of pain, pressure and burning sensations.  I have read that is called the "ring of fire" when the baby's head is crowning, however I didn't realize that was happening and I didn't think I was progressing that quickly at all until everyone said that his hair was showing and I just needed a few more good pushes to get him out...hence all the cheering that I shushed.   HA!

With that news, I was determined and extremely motivated knowing this would all soon be over.  I must have pushed another 8-10 times before I got anywhere all the while my eyes closed and taking a breaks from pushing and using the breathing techniques during a few contractions again and moaning a lot.  I kept saying "It hurts, I can't push, I can't do it!"  But everyone kept positive and encouraged me to keep going and the next thing I know during my next ambitious push I felt a painful burning sensation that felt like it was coming out of my urethra.  The pain was so intense, my legs flailed out straight as arrows and I screamed out in agony...I felt a thud beside me and finally opened my eyes to see two nurses I didn't recognize on the sides of the bed with me, pushing the monitors off my belly to the side of me, shoving my legs into my armpits and pressing down on my belly very forcefully.  It was a terrifying moment but the baby was out immediately after.  Eddie cut the umbilical cord and they placed him on my chest.  I always envisioned myself losing it emotionally and crying, but I was in such shock after what had just happened and my legs would not stop trembling I couldn't even believe this crying baby in front of me just came out of me. 

6/24/2014 1:09 pm

The baby's shoulder got stuck on my pelvic bone, which is known as shoulder dystocia.    The maneuver they performed to free the baby's shoulder from the pelvic bone is shown in the picture.  However, the doctor said she was not convinced 100% that the baby actually got stuck.  Because of the way my legs went out straight like arrows could have prevented him from coming out, because it's nearly impossible for the baby to pass through the birth canal with your legs straight.  Thankfully, neither of us suffered any injury from this maneuver.

I had pushed for about an hour and a half.  I suffered a 2nd degree tear.  The nurses asked me if they could take the baby from me to get him cleaned up weighed and measured and I agreed and Eddie went over with them to the little baby table where Anthony peed on him and the nurse. 

 I barely remember delivering the placenta, I was too busy looking at the crying baby on my chest even though I was still having contractions...  I was still in shock that it was all over.  They gave me pitocin to speed up the process of the placenta delivery, but I can't imagine it was more than 10 minutes after Anthony was born...everything happened so fast once he was out.

First family photo

Holding Dad's hand
The day was an incredible experience...surreal.  Total active labor time was 10 hours.  The pain was gone as soon as he was out.  I remember asking the doctor how soon would I be able to walk.  More so, because she was still hanging out down by my lady parts with bright lights.  She laughed and said, "As soon as we stitch you up!"  Which by the way I felt every initial stitch til they numbed me up so more with a local.

So friends, that's our story.  It was a wonderful day.  I feel so empowered to have done it naturally, and even one month later, I can't believe it's already over.  I spent 9 months prepping for one day reading books, watching documentaries, and researching online.  10 hard hours later that flew right by... I just have no words.  It was extraordinary...primal in every way.  Exactly how I wanted it.
This photo was taken about an hour after delivery right before we were shown to our recovery room where we stayed for two nights.

Welcome to the world Baby Anthony!


Thursday, June 19, 2014

39 Weeks

Hi Everyone!
What a week it's been.  I've had my ups and my downs.  Mostly in anticipation that I could go in labor at any moment and haven't.  Booooo.  So by Wednesday, I was really in the dumps.

I've been telecommuting from home into work all week, which has been wonderful considering how scared I've been thinking my water could break at any moment....Quick and easy trips to the bathroom and staying pretty comfortably dressed has been nice. 

How far along? 39 Weeks
39 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I am back up those 2 lbs that I lost from last week and add another 2.  Total gain is 34lbs.  My appointment this week was in the afternoon of the hottest and humid day all week and I feel completely swollen and puffy.
Maternity clothes? Everything is tighter and the most comfortable things to wear this week are tanks and gym shorts/leggings or maxi dresses and skirts.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I've had a few restless nights this week.  My anticipation has been very high that at any moment...labor will start.  I need to chill out.  But that's been really difficult.

Best moment this week: Laughing uncontrollably and snorting when Eddie had the hiccups.  I couldn't stop laughing, which made him laugh, and hiccup was a vicious cycle.  A laugh that was much needed.
Miss Anything? I miss crossfit mostly.  I normally hate running, but I miss running too.

Movement: Baby C has been pretty calm the past two days with a few spurts of energy directly aimed onto my bladder.  Poor bladder, I'm sorry!  I'm surprised I haven't peed my pants yet.  I have to say working from home this week, was a godsend, because getting up to pee "just in case" every 5 minutes was really starting to get out of control in an office setting.
Food cravings: Nothing unusual.  Not really craving anything food wise this week. Maybe toast.... since I haven't been eating breads or pastas....I guess I'm craving that.  While working from home, I'm trying to snack on healthy things like green smoothies, almonds, apple slices...stuff like that.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I sometimes get queasy or some slight nausea right before bed, or directly after I eat.  Especially if I eat too much.  Small meals, frequently are the way to go.

Special things I'm focusing on:  Eating healthy, fueling my body for the workout of all time.  The WOD will be named "Baby for time".
Labor Signs: I don't know anymore.  I had high hopes since last weeks doctor's appointment and still nothing has happened.  I did not have her check me this week to see if I was dilated anymore...I am just going to wait it out.  The doctor offered to check for more dilation and to do a Membrane Sweep for she was still optomistic that still any day.  I opted out for the check and sweep (because I've heard it's painful!!) because the last exam when I was already 2 1/2 cm dilated was very uncomfortable which I've read that your cervix is just too far away for the doctor to reach and it doesn't always help to start labor.  Plus I've also read that uncomfortable vaginal exams can close that dilation right up!!  So, perhaps I'm just not that desperate yet for the little inductions the doctor is willing to offer.  He'll come when he's ready, and the less I know, well... ignorance is bliss.

I get daily cramping/braxton hicks/contractions.  I'm not sure which ones are which at this point anymore.  My doctor's words of wisdom when I asked her the difference was that contractions hurt and you'll want to come to the hospital.  But whatever they are...they seem to be more frequent when I take my daily walks.  Sometimes I think if I just keep walking, out he'll come!  ha ha

Belly Button in or out? Out!  It's definitely a button, a big round weird looking button.

Wedding rings on or off? Off!  Screw that... It's been in the 90's and humid all week.  I'm swelling like a balloon.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  I've been mostly aggravated this week as well as anxious.  Again, the high hopes I had had slowly dwindled my mood down to a form of the dumps this week.  But today is different.  Once I decided to stop worrying about when it will happen, and focusing on just today, and what's going on right now, the better I felt.  I went to the gym this morning, I mowed the lawn... I figure keep on walking and moving and the more I do, the more sensations I get that he's getting closer to the exit.

Looking forward to:  Obviously, I'm looking forward to meeting Baby C, giving him a name and seeing what color hair he has!  HA HA!

Newborn Eddie
Newborn Christine

Who will he look like? His Mama? Or Daddy?



Ooooh boooooooyyyyy!!!  :)
Eddie....oh boy!

Friday, June 13, 2014

38 Weeks

Hi everyone! 

How far along? 38 weeks 

Total weight gain/loss: I am down 2 lbs, ha ha, so a total gain of 30 lbs now.  The doctor thinks the "loss" might just be that my last appointment was in the afternoon and this one was in the morning.  But I'll take it.  Ha ha!  A little shocked no gain...but I guess this clean eating is really helping stabilize.  That will show ya how whole foods and good nutrition play a big part for the body.

Stretch marks? No stretch marks.
Sleep: It aches to get up at night, the belly, my back and especially my hips.  I'm going to the bathroom every 1 1/2 to 2 hours on the dot.  I've heard a lot of the "you look so tired" this week, even though I've been hitting the hay by 8:30pm almost every night this week.  Although I don't feel that least not until late in the afternoon.

Movement: This week Baby C is an active boy in the mornings.  By after lunch, he seems to settle down and nap til dinner time.  I'm thinking he just loves my choice of breakfast this week.  It's so delicious, but not exactly paleo with the eggos.  But I'll get my carbs in early in the morning.

Food cravings: Hello peaches!  Trader Joe's had boxes of peaches on special this week.  I'm eating like 2-3 per day.  Can't get enough of them!!  Delish!!  Oh and I've been craving Key Lime Pie, also.  Which I picked up the tart size from Wegmans today.  :)

Special things I'm focusing on:  Cleaning...or I guess everyone else tells me it's nesting....but to me it's still just cleaning like I normally do, I just want it all done before I leave for the hospital so when we come home the house is clean.

Eating clean as much as possible with the fun frills of the occasional bites of key lime pie, fig newton, or something sweet.

I met with a pediatrician today that was referred to us by one of our crossfit buddies.  I loved him!  So glad he was able to take the time to meet with me, answer all my questions, and he even had some questions for me.  Although he isn't affiliated with the hospital we are delivering at, they make it a point to have you call upon discharge of the hospital and schedule you an appointment within a day or two of leaving.  
Labor Signs: Still cramping daily, and been have a lot of strange pressure as far below the belly as you can go.  I describe it Baby C sitting on top of my lady parts.  It's rather uncomfortable, and honestly the only thing helping with the discomfort is to get up and walk around.  At least until my back hurts!  The braxton hicks seem to have left me the past couple of days, unless I'm just getting used to their discomfort. 

Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing the rings.  But have been taking them off as soon as I get home.  Definitely have some hand swelling going on, but not so much in the feet or ankles.

Happy or Moody most of the time:   I've been very anxious this week with all these weird sensations and feelings I have been having.  Eddie had a work trip and was gone all week, so that really kept me on my toes on paying attention to everything and how I was feeling, just in case Baby C wanted to make an early debut.

I'm very exciting though, at my doctor appointment this week, the doctor and I were pleasantly surprised to find that I am already 2 1/2 cm dilated and very "soft" she said.  She  said she didn't think I'd make it to my due date, and maybe not even my next weekly appointment!  WHOA!  This is happening folks!  EEEEEEEEEK!!!

Looking forward to: The end is VERY near.  I'm a little terrified.  A little relieved.  A week from now, YOU might just be meeting Baby C!!!

But in the meantime, I'll enjoy being a mama to just my fur babies a little longer.


Thursday, June 5, 2014

37 Weeks

Happy Thursday!  I hope you've been having a great week.  Baby C and I have been having some interesting sensations this week!

 Lots of aches, lots of cramping, and some swolleness.

How far along? 37 weeks;  Baby is the size of a watermelon (19-22 in., 6.5 lbs). 

The doctor did a measurement this week and guess-timated that Baby C is 6 lbs 10 oz right now and predicts he'll be an average size baby and not huge like I keep imagining.  She did ask me what size shoe I wore...but it wasn't because she was interested in my shoes!  She said small feet tend to mean small pelvic openings.  Ugh!  At a size 6 1/2 shoe (which has not changed during pregnancy, thank goodness) and sizing up Eddie she had a talk with us about shoulder dystocia.  I read about it in Ina May Gaskins book.  I think I would be more worried about shoulder dystocia if I was going to be unable to move around and change positions. 

37 Weeks large! :)

Total weight gain/loss: Up 32 lbs. No more, no loss from last week.  Now that I am on weekly doctor appointments, I've begun eating much cleaner and more paleo again.  I figure a nice detox before labor and delivery is exactly what Baby C and I need. 

Stretch marks? No stretch marks.
Sleep: I had a rough night of sleeping the other night.  I felt as though I couldn't breathe and was having alot of Braxton Hicks.  I think Baby C is moving on down...I am feeling much more pressure on my bladder and hips.  My side sleep training was a good thing I thought, my now my hips ache to lie on them at night.  I've start out sleeping on my left side, then alternate to the other side every time I get up to pee.   By then my hip aches so bad it takes me a good 30-45 seconds to even stand up out of bed to get to the bathroom.

Movement: Baby C is still an active boy.  The doctor's smile and laugh when trying to get his heart rate with the doppler and always say, "he's an active one!"  Baby C has also been pretty consistent with daily hiccups the past week.  Sometimes two to three times per day.  I asked the Doctor about that too and she said that is a wonderful sign, that means he's practicing using his lungs. 

Food cravings: Craving sweets again, pretty sure it's because I'm being more strict on my diet again eating cleaner, but fruit is helping, blueberries, strawberries and bananas.  Sometimes even the frozen chocolate covered bananas from Trader's Joe's hits the spot.  I also have been craving coffee in the afternoons again.  I have not indulged and trying to stick to one cup of caffeine per day, sometimes two if it's a rough morning.

27 Weeks
37 Weeks

What a difference 10 weeks makes!!!


Special things I'm focusing on:  Moving around as much as possible.  I'm working on taking walks daily and doing some dips to keep my arms toned ha ha!  Over the next week my goal is take a walk every day. 

Like I mentioned earlier, eating cleaner.  Fueling my body and my baby for his birthday.

I'm in the process of going through a list of pediatricians to call and "interview".  I actually have two that I'm really interested in based on referrals from friends.  I guess we should have done this a few weeks ago, but I'm not too worried about it, just need to have someone picked by the time we get to the hospital. 

Labor Signs: Cramping daily and sporadically throughout the day.  Yesterday it lasted all morning and even made me felt nauseous.  I took a stroll around the  yard at lunch with the dogs which seemed to help with the discomfort. 

Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing the rings.  We had a real hot day the other day and one of the AC units broke at work so it was like a sauna which I then did swell in both the hands and feet.  But it was almost 90 degrees in the office.  Thankfully I have a little fan in my office.
Happy or Moody most of the time:   I'm happy, a little anxious and tired.

Looking forward to: The end is near.  I'll try not to complain and enjoy the rest of this experience.

Friday, May 30, 2014

35-36 Weeks

Hi Everyone!  Sorry my posts seem so sporadic these days.  I've been losing energy and motivation for just about everything.  The Memorial Day weekend was greatly appreciated by this lady for the extra day of lounging and putting my feet up!

How far along? 36 weeks
36 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Up 32 lbs. 

Stretch marks? No stretch marks.
Sleep: I'm sleeping ok.  I'm getting up ALOT to go to the bathroom, I counted 5 times the other night.  It hurts now to get up from a side sleeping position.  The belly just aches to lift myself upright.  I try and nap on the weekends, but weekdays are tough on me with a full work day so by 8:30pm I'm ready for bed and still have a hard time getting up in the morning.

35 Weeks

Movement: Baby C is moving ALOT.  He's moving so much it's making me uncomfortable.  I swear I even feel him in my upper leg pulling on some nerve strings.  He's reaching out above his head I think and shoving his little feet between my ribs.  He's running out of room in there, he needs to come out soon.  Please.  :)
Food cravings: Back on the fruit cravings again the past couple weeks.  I can't get enough blueberries, bananas, strawberries, and fruit juices like cranberry and pineapple.  I've also been craving alcohol.  I think it has to do with all the beautiful weather we're having.  I have had a couple virgin mojitos the past few weeks and they are SO good!  Definitely hit the craving.

Special things I'm focusing on:   We have our "Go Bag" pretty much all packed except for a few other essentials I need to get.  Here is a list of what is in there now:



Tucks Medicated Pads

Boob-ease nipple balm

Travel size toiletries, wash clothes

Make- Up

Hair ties and head bands

Baby Stuff:  couple onesies - homecoming outfit, receiving blanket, baby wipes, baby socks, & baby hat

My Pretty Pusher delivery gown and Postpartum underwear (which has a place for the ice packs the hospital gives you. SCORE!)  Use Coupon code KKL006 for 10% off if you're shopping for something like that.

Two blankets (one for Eddie, one for me)


Empty bag (for goodies the hospital gives you)

Nursing lounge dress (I was told that the nurses come "check" on your lady parts every hour and prefer you to not have any pants/shorts on, so I grabbed one of these soft lounge dresses which makes it easy access for nursing too.



Still to get and pack:  I need a Styrofoam cooler for the placenta for encapsulation, a homecoming outfit for myself and Eddie, snacks, breast pump (to be taught by the lactation consultants how to use and manage), water bottles and I'm sure a few other odds and ends I'll throw in the day I'll go into labor.

I compiled this list based on advice from friends and the Doula.

We have installed the car seat in my car.  YIKES!  Feels so weird driving around with that in the back.  I haven't put up the mirror that will show baby, but man...this is all so surreal.

Car seat is ready for Baby C!
On a sad note, I received some bad news this week that I'm still upset about.  Our Doula has backed out on assisting us during birth due to family matters.  I am extremely disappointed with only a month left... give or take before Baby C makes his debut.  She referred another Doula to us, but I'm just not sure at this stage in the game I want to go with someone I haven't even met yet.  Eddie and I are both pretty disappointed about it, however we do feel more comfortable after our few meetings with the Doula we had with all the information she was able to provide us to help us make some tough decisions about birth and after birth procedures. 

Labor Signs: I have been 1cm dilated for the past two weeks!  WOOP!  I have also been having cramping daily and "braxton hicks".  Last night was rough night of braxton hicks...every couple hours or so I would get another one, had one every time I had to get up to pee.

Belly Button in or out? It's an outtie. 

Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing the rings with no real swelling issues.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired and uncomfortable.  Been pretty moody about having to wear flats.  I miss heels!!!  I think the flats make me look swollen and puffy.

I had a wonderful surprise baby shower at work this week.  Such a caring work-family I have.  It was a wonderful lunch and they spoiled us with gifts!


 Looking forward to: LABOR! 

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Memorial Weekend.  We did!  Even Buddy got in the spirit!  Eddie and I participated in our Crossfit Box's annual "Murph" workout.  The workout is:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run

I, of course did a modified, barely a quarter of Murph.  I did a 1 mile walk, with 150 air squats, 50 dips, and about 40 ring rows.  Better than nothing, I say!

Friday, May 16, 2014

34 Weeks

34 Weeks
Hello everyone!  I can't believe it's been 4 weeks since my last post!   Oops!!  But so much has happened, so much has changed and so much to tell.

By 32 weeks and having very little energy after work to drag myself to the gym for crossfit, I decided to save the money and put my membership on hold. I was very, very sad about this decision. I felt I had given up. I always told myself I would be one of those people who worked out til the day I went into labor. Well I'm not. The stairs at work, the stairs in the new house, cleaning, and lots of walking is about all the activity my body can seem to handle these days. I get winded very quickly... Baby C is clearly sitting on my lungs.

Everything hurts!  Ok, I may be slightly exaggerating... a little.  My back gets sore for any length of time on my feet, while my calves and my feet also seem to ache.  My DIY foot rest at work has been a lifesaver! ;)  

Footrest at work! ha ha

Eddie and I spent this past Sunday morning doing some yard work at the old house.  While he mowed, I weeded the back garden and dug up some plants to transfer to the new house.  We then went back to the new house, and I then planted all those plants.  By 2pm, I was literally crawling to get to the bathroom.  I thought my back was going to snap in half.  I definitely over did it.  It was a sad realization that my body isn't where my head is.

We successfully completed the birthing class!  Ha ha, which led us to realize we didn't want to deliver at St. Agnes Hospital due to some of their birthing protocols.  I know I don't want to be laboring in a bed, or at least as little as possible.  I want to be mobile, let gravity help the process.  In the birthing class the biggest thing we learned were all different kinds of positions to try during labor... and the worst one to be in was laying in a bed.  I enjoyed the experience with Eddie of the birthing class.  It taught me an important step... to tour some facilities or birthing centers PRIOR to choosing a doctor.  We now have an appointment with a new doctor strictly because we found another birthing hospital we prefer.  Kind of a scary transfer at this stage of the game, but I had some great referrals from the birthing class instructor and spoke to some people on the tour of Mercy Hospital that went to our newly chosen doctor's practice that said some comforting and reassuring things.

We hired a Doula!!!  We had our first prenatal visit with her this week, and she gave us a TON of information!  I'll update you all on that in my next post.  Lots of good info!!

How far along? 34 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Up 31 lbs.  

32 Weeks
Maternity clothes? everything is getting tighter!  My one pair of black maternity pants for work may be just about done with.  They are uncomfortable to wear.  I just ordered two Liz Lange cotton dresses from Target to take me through the home stretch, one size larger than the previous dresses I bought in that brand.  With 6 weeks left, I'm hoping this is it for maternity purchases.
Stretch marks? Still no stretch marks!  WOO HOO
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well...but when I have to get up to go to the bathroom (3-4 times per night) my belly aches.  I'm no longer using just my ab muscles to lift myself up, I'm using my arms and swinging my legs for momentum to get myself up. 

Movement: The kid must have my elbows...paybacks a bitch.

Food cravings: Sweets!  I've been having lots of sweets cravings.  I need to start curbing this new addiction back some, but it's been very easy to indulge since Easter with all the goodies. I've also been snacking on blueberries.


Special things I'm focusing on:   Reminding myself to rest.  I'm also compiling a list to put in our "Go Bag" for the hospital.  Eddie had the "Go Bag" all picked out.  So far the only things I have in there is some after birth underroos as I'm calling them, from my friend Kristin, some tucks pad she gave me also, the baby's homecoming outfit, hat and blanket and some make up.  Ha ha...yes I packed some make up.
Labor Signs: No, other than just being uncomfortable, cause I hear labor is pretty uncomfortable.

Belly Button in or out? It's an outtie.  Eddie told me at 31 weeks that I wasn't allowed to call it a half innie-half outtie anymore.  It's an outtie.  Period.

Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing the rings with no real swelling issues.
Happy or Moody most of the time:   Happy, but tired.

Looking forward to: LABOR!  I know, I'm crazy, but this whole pregnancy thing has been fun and all, and I've been blessed with a great, no issues pregnancy,  but I'm over it.  Let's do this!

34 Weeks


Friday, April 18, 2014

30 Weeks

Hi everyone!  Everyone gearing up for the Easter weekend?  It should be relatively busy for us.  We have our first half of a birthing class at the hospital Saturday and on Sunday a small get together for Brunch!  It should be a fun weekend.

The meeting with the first Doula went wonderfully.  She is also a Labor and Delivery nurse at a local hospital so her experience with that I think is wonderful.  She is very balanced and flexible in her practice.  By that I mean, she works with all types of deliveries medicated or not.  Which I'd like to go unmedicated as long as possible with the hopes of not using any, but I'm not completely opposed to using it if medically necessary or I just wimp out from the pain.  We have another Doula we'll be meeting next week as well and between the two, we hope to make a decision on one or the other or see how we feel about having one at all after the first half of the birthing class this weekend.

How far along? 30 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Up 28 lbs

Maternity clothes? I'm not sure if it's the maternity dresses and tops I'm wearing, but everyone at work has been commenting this week on how much I've 'popped' this week.  Baby C is popping out to say hello everybody!!

Stretch marks? No stretch marks.
Sleep: Sleeping beautifully still. 

Movement: Baby C is moving around all the time, in fact right now I'm looking down at my belly and I can see him moving across my belly from side to side.  He seems to favor kicking my right side.  I told the doctor how active he has been lately, she told me an active baby in the womb typically means a very happy baby out of the womb.  :)
Food cravings: This week I craved Nachos, yogurt and beer.  I have finally endulged in the N-A beers, and I have to admit, they taste amazing.
The past week I was pretty much off the Whole30.  I'm not really torn up about this time because after talking to the doctor, my tests came back all normal.  I'm not anemic or diabetic and she said I was at a perfect weight and one of the healthiest pregnant women she has seen in awhile.  YEAH!!  Although she did say try not lose weight but also try not to gain....  I find that maybe the gaining part might be difficult, but I have done really well in the past 6 weeks only gaining 3 lbs!  Especially since I've 'popped' out so much.

30 Weeks Vs. 24 Weeks

Special things I'm focusing on: Staying active, eating well and getting plenty of rest.
Labor Signs: Few nights of Braxton Hicks this week that lasted about a half hour each

Belly Button in or out? half innie, half outtie

Wedding rings on or off? Still on, and swelling from previous week must be down, because they are not tight anymore.
Happy or Moody most of the time:   Happy and emotional about silly stuff.  I was listening to the Jesus Christ Superstar album this week and got all weepy listening to some of those songs.  HA HA! 

Looking forward to: The birthing class and Brunch on Sunday....the menu we've put together has me hungry.  :)

Happy Easter!!