Hi Everyone!
What a week it's been. I've had my ups and my downs. Mostly in anticipation that I could go in labor at any moment and haven't. Booooo. So by Wednesday, I was really in the dumps.
I've been telecommuting from home into work all week, which has been wonderful considering how scared I've been thinking my water could break at any moment....Quick and easy trips to the bathroom and staying pretty comfortably dressed has been nice.
What a week it's been. I've had my ups and my downs. Mostly in anticipation that I could go in labor at any moment and haven't. Booooo. So by Wednesday, I was really in the dumps.
I've been telecommuting from home into work all week, which has been wonderful considering how scared I've been thinking my water could break at any moment....Quick and easy trips to the bathroom and staying pretty comfortably dressed has been nice.
Total weight gain/loss: I am back up those 2 lbs that I lost from last week and add another 2. Total gain is 34lbs. My appointment this week was in the afternoon of the hottest and humid day all week and I feel completely swollen and puffy.
Maternity clothes? Everything is tighter and the most comfortable things to wear this week are tanks and gym shorts/leggings or maxi dresses and skirts.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I've had a few restless nights this week. My anticipation has been very high that at any moment...labor will start. I need to chill out. But that's been really difficult.
Best moment this week: Laughing uncontrollably and snorting when Eddie had the hiccups. I couldn't stop laughing, which made him laugh, and hiccup more....it was a vicious cycle. A laugh that was much needed.
Miss Anything? I miss crossfit mostly. I normally hate running, but I miss running too.
Movement: Baby C has been pretty calm the past two days with a few spurts of energy directly aimed onto my bladder. Poor bladder, I'm sorry! I'm surprised I haven't peed my pants yet. I have to say working from home this week, was a godsend, because getting up to pee "just in case" every 5 minutes was really starting to get out of control in an office setting.
Food cravings: Nothing unusual. Not really craving anything food wise this week. Maybe toast.... since I haven't been eating breads or pastas....I guess I'm craving that. While working from home, I'm trying to snack on healthy things like green smoothies, almonds, apple slices...stuff like that.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I sometimes get queasy or some slight nausea right before bed, or directly after I eat. Especially if I eat too much. Small meals, frequently are the way to go.
Special things I'm focusing on: Eating healthy, fueling my body for the workout of all time. The WOD will be named "Baby for time".
Labor Signs: I don't know anymore. I had high hopes since last weeks doctor's appointment and still nothing has happened. I did not have her check me this week to see if I was dilated anymore...I am just going to wait it out. The doctor offered to check for more dilation and to do a Membrane Sweep for she was still optomistic that still any day. I opted out for the check and sweep (because I've heard it's painful!!) because the last exam when I was already 2 1/2 cm dilated was very uncomfortable which I've read that your cervix is just too far away for the doctor to reach and it doesn't always help to start labor. Plus I've also read that uncomfortable vaginal exams can close that dilation right up!! So, perhaps I'm just not that desperate yet for the little inductions the doctor is willing to offer. He'll come when he's ready, and the less I know, well... ignorance is bliss.I get daily cramping/braxton hicks/contractions. I'm not sure which ones are which at this point anymore. My doctor's words of wisdom when I asked her the difference was that contractions hurt and you'll want to come to the hospital. But whatever they are...they seem to be more frequent when I take my daily walks. Sometimes I think if I just keep walking, out he'll come! ha ha
Belly Button in or out? Out! It's definitely a button, a big round weird looking button.
Wedding rings on or off? Off! Screw that... It's been in the 90's and humid all week. I'm swelling like a balloon.

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Newborn Eddie |
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Newborn Christine |
Who will he look like? His Mama? Or Daddy?