Have you ever seen the movie "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas? Well if you haven't, you should see it. (Here...a link to it:
Falling Down
.) If you have seen it, I feel as though my morning has been one of 'those' kinda mornings where my mind has determined that enoughs enough. In the past several weeks, I cannot tell you how many road rage incidents I have come across with people and their stupid road games of slowing down in front of you just to piss you off, or turn on their left blinker only to turn right, or someone on their cell phone at a stop sign decides that the stop sign is a perfectly place to stop and chat while other cars behind them are trying to go somewhere when there is clearly not another car in any other direction to proceed away from the intersection. All true stories by the way.... Then when you're trying to enter a store some kid is blocking the door and I say to him, "Hey there, are you going in, or coming out?" where then the mother barks at ya while sitting on a nearby bench, "Oh, he's just going to stand in your way." and then proceeds to do nothing or say nothing to her child to get him the hell out of my way. Then every restaurant, grocery store, or any store I've been in, there is always a handful of people that look like they just rolled out of bed, sweatpants, wifebeaters, and some form of a poof rats nest on top of their head that looks like it hasn't been brushed in days. Seriously?? What is wrong with people today? Common courtesy, public appearance and accountability have completely gone down the drain. Is this only in America? Is it because people don't spank their children enough? Or am I just getting old?
Regardless, it disgusts me. It makes my nose crinch and as of this morning...I'm fed up with it.
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