If I was to answer quickly, I'd say, "I have fun all the time. My calendar is full of events and things to do with my friends." But busy doesn't necessarily mean 'fun'. Do I enjoy having a busy a schedule? Sometimes. But sometimes I appreciate not having anything on my schedule so I can do...nothing!

I want to like reading a whole lot more than I do, and I wish I liked running a lot more than I do. But I just don't. But, I love crossfit. I don't always have the motivation to get up and do a workout, but when I actually do it, the duration I enjoy, as well as the fulfillment I get after completing a workout. I also enjoy finding nutritious recipes that I can "paleo-fy". Yes, I may have just made that word up, but seriously, I can spend hours on Pinterest looking up recipes and altering them to be more paleo. So the hunt of finding recipes is fun, but I'd much rather be in a fully stocked kitchen (because I don't enjoy grocery shopping) to create the paleo'fy'd dishes. To top off all that fun, I want to share this new meal with all my girlfriends' for a girls night with a bottle of wine and giggles! Now that to me is fun! What do you do for fun?

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