I took the at home pregnancy test Friday morning, October
18th, 2013. I really was shocked to see that little word staring back at me...
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Its says, "Pregnant" |
I remember looking up into the mirror back at myself
thinking, no, shaking my head back and forth..."I read that wrong."
Only to look back down to see it again looking
back at me...PREGNANT.
Today is Thursday, October 24th, almost a whole week later,
and I'm still having a hard time believing it and now all I have is this
picture to keep looking at, cause keeping the pee stick is kind of gross, plus
the battery died after like 12 hours.
How far along? Not sure yet, but from the Health &
Parenting Pregnancy app, it says I'm 8 weeks. I'm thinking more like 6 or 7.
Total weight
gain/loss: So far, none on the scale, although my pants around my belly are uncomfortable, I
just feel bloated all the time.
Maternity clothes? No
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Not great like
normal, but not terrible... with the frequent trips to the bathroom and then
realizing I'm pregnant again in my awaken state, it's been taking me longer to
fall back asleep.
Best moment this week: Reading a text from Eddie that said,
"Love ya baby Momma."
Miss Anything? I will state the obvious - wine. But I would
like to add sushi. We go out for sushi normally once a week and I didn't have
any this past week! Big frownie face here... :(
Movement: Nada, just
feels like a lot of stretching in my belly going on and cramping, lots of
Food cravings: First
one this week, a cheeseburger. HA, and it was so delicious.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not yet, so far no morning sickness.
Have you started to show yet: No, I guess not...Eddie says
no, but I feel my belly protruding into my pants all day
Gender: No idea, but
I have a feeling it's a boy....it's been too simple of a pregnancy so
far...Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Simple Man" keeps playing in my head.
Special things I'm focusing on: My water intake. Since Monday I've been drinking 40oz of water with a lemon wedge throughout the work day, then an additional 20oz during my workout, and more with dinner and before bed. So probably an accumulated amount of close to 60-65oz per day. No wonder I'm peeing so much. But I read that the more water you drink the better off you will keep morning sickness, constipation and a whole laundry list of other horrible side effects at bay. I've started Prenatal Vitamins and DHA in addition to my daily Fish Oil. I've also increased my veggie intake either in morning green smoothies or salads for lunch with lots of spinach and kale.Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or
off? On
Happy or Moody most
of the time: Happy but anxious! I also have a short fuse. Sorry, Eddie! And I
had a moment in the restroom the other day at work when I couldn't get the
toilet paper roll to move and I was swearing at it.
Looking forward to:
Our first Dr. appointment on October 29th to get the official word from a
medical professional that says, "Yep, you're pregnant"...and to fill
in all the details as much as possible. I'm also looking forward to telling our
family. This has been extremely difficult news not to share.
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