Sunday, March 2, 2014

23 Weeks

Hi everyone!  Miss grumpy pants here to report on my pregnancy, and well, I've been grumpy.  I've spent my 23rd week of pregnancy sick with a head cold and getting these strange dizzy-like spells throughout the day and evening.  My mood has been low, energy levels low and feeling very tired and out of breath.  I'm hoping that all these symptoms are just part of the head cold and will soon disappear along with this stuffy nose.

How far along? 23 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 18lbs gained.  I'll update this next week when I go to my next Doctor appointment

Stretch marks? No stretchmarks yet, and my belly button is disappearing.
Sleep: All I want to do is sleep.  For the most part I'm sleeping through the night and only getting up twice to use the bathroom, which is very minimal considering how much more fluids I've been drinking since getting sick.  My body just feels so run down.

Best moment this week:  Found some some great onesies for a dollar a piece at Once Upon a Child.

Miss Anything?  Beer, mostly corona

Movement: Baby C has been non stop moving.  I feel like the inside of my belly has become a punching bag for jabs and kicks.  He's definitely been more alert this week while I've been drained of energy. 

Food cravings:  Tomato soup with grilled cheese, cashews, cucumber water, hot water with lemon and Gatorade.

Anything making you queasy or sick: These weird dizzy like spells, they make me feel almost like I want to throw up because they come on so fast, but then they just as quickly go away.

Have you started to show yet:  I can feel my belly stretching more this week, or maybe it's just because he's moving so much lately. 

Gender: The boy is a ninja. 

Special things I'm focusing on: Eating right, working out, getting enough sleep, as usual. Eating right has been easier, I've been slacking on the working out due to  HUGE lack of energy. 

Belly Button in or out?  I'd still consider it being in, but it's very stretched out and looks funny.

Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Grumpy pants dance!  I'm just not myself lately, definitely moody.

Looking forward to:  While I'm on my rant in this post about being grumpy, instead of posting what I'm looking forward to, I'm going to post about something I am not looking forward to.  The Rhogam shot.  "What's that?", you may ask.  Well the girl who hates needles (me) has a special blood type with a RH negative factor, which means since the baby has a chance of being RH postive, I get a special injection of Rhogam in case any blood between baby and I gets shared upon labor and delivery.  I get a shot at 26 weeks, another after the birth, and then again if I get pregnant again.  Lovely.  Boo hiss.

I'm sorry if my post this week was rather a drag from my grumpy mood, but I guess this is all part of pregnancy.  You get the good with the bad.  Next week hopefully, I will be feeling much better.  

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