Now that we're into the holiday season, I was feeling crafty, so I created name tags on our stocking this year. Eddie, Chris, Abbey, Buddy and Baby 2014! The white stocking in the middle is the baby's stocking. I posted the photo below on facebook with the comment, "We added a new stocking this year!" Such positive vibes and congratulations all around. Thanks everyone!

How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 8lbs gained
Maternity clothes? I have been wearing a couple shirts that I got as "Maternity" just for the comfort. I've been living in leggings on the weekend, while wearing mostly dresses to work for the extra room because I just don't like wearing pants anymore. With the dresses I've been shifting the pantyhose down below the baby bump or if they are really stretchy, above it. I've considered cutting them a bit at top but am afraid that will make them run. Sooner or later I'm sure I'll have to invest in maternity pantyhose. I think anything labeled maternity is $5-$10 more. What a rip off!
Maternity clothes? I have been wearing a couple shirts that I got as "Maternity" just for the comfort. I've been living in leggings on the weekend, while wearing mostly dresses to work for the extra room because I just don't like wearing pants anymore. With the dresses I've been shifting the pantyhose down below the baby bump or if they are really stretchy, above it. I've considered cutting them a bit at top but am afraid that will make them run. Sooner or later I'm sure I'll have to invest in maternity pantyhose. I think anything labeled maternity is $5-$10 more. What a rip off!
Stretch marks? No. My sister got me a fabulous cream to rub on my belly to hopefully prevent stretch marks. So I've been using that nightly.
Sleep: Still sleeping good, and more. I went to bed one night this week at 8pm and didn't get up the next morning til 7:15am.
Best moment this week: Working out! I feel so good after. Physically and mentally.
Miss Anything? Now that I've been feeling better, I have started wanting coffee again. I've had two cups this week, one I made half caffeinated half decaf with vanilla caramel sugar free creamer, which was to die for. Then the next day I used just decaf with the creamer again. Something about the caffeine the day before though tasted so much better.
Movement: No movement that I can feel yet. But I do feel a lot of tighening in the belly, like stretching. I'm assuming that's normal since my skin IS actually stretching. Gross.
Food cravings: I think the cravings are kind of going away, but I'm still eating alot of fruit, very few veggies but I am taking my prenatal vitamins again and DHA fish oil. So hopefully that is compensating the lack of veggies I'm not consuming.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just smelly things, like garbage that needs to be taken outside, the dogs' breath, Eddie's morning breath, and certain leftovers in the fridge can spike a nose lift with an immediate fridge doorslamming closing.
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I am confident in my bump. The boobs have also gotten bigger. Time to go bra shopping!!! :D Maybe that's a gift idea I can give Eddie for Christmas this year!
Miss Anything? Now that I've been feeling better, I have started wanting coffee again. I've had two cups this week, one I made half caffeinated half decaf with vanilla caramel sugar free creamer, which was to die for. Then the next day I used just decaf with the creamer again. Something about the caffeine the day before though tasted so much better.
Movement: No movement that I can feel yet. But I do feel a lot of tighening in the belly, like stretching. I'm assuming that's normal since my skin IS actually stretching. Gross.
Food cravings: I think the cravings are kind of going away, but I'm still eating alot of fruit, very few veggies but I am taking my prenatal vitamins again and DHA fish oil. So hopefully that is compensating the lack of veggies I'm not consuming.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just smelly things, like garbage that needs to be taken outside, the dogs' breath, Eddie's morning breath, and certain leftovers in the fridge can spike a nose lift with an immediate fridge door
Have you started to show yet: Yes, I am confident in my bump. The boobs have also gotten bigger. Time to go bra shopping!!! :D Maybe that's a gift idea I can give Eddie for Christmas this year!
Gender: I'm having doubts that it's a boy now. I think it might be a girl!
Special things I'm focusing on: Crossfit!! I have missed it so much, and now I'm going again more regularly and I feel wonderful!! I talked to the doctor again about it and she said keep going til things start getting uncomfortable, then modify. It has also helped now that I have revealed the news to the coaches who are more than willing to help me modify anything and everything if need be. They are so great! They suggested a website too, that actually gives you modifications for workouts while pregnant for each trimester. So that website has been useful and insightful.Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, Happy, Happy!! I've got lots of ideas floating around in my head about the baby's room.
Looking forward to: Finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl... so I can really start decorating and planning the baby's room.
Looking forward to: Finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl... so I can really start decorating and planning the baby's room.
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