Total weight gain/loss: 8lbs gained
Maternity clothes? Yes! I am wearing maternity pants for the first time today in this picture...and honestly, am not sure why I waited so long! SO.Comfortable. Happy dance!!
Maternity clothes? Yes! I am wearing maternity pants for the first time today in this picture...and honestly, am not sure why I waited so long! SO.Comfortable. Happy dance!!
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I slept great last night, after some Vinyasa Yoga, but I haven't had too many issues falling asleep, yet anyway. I am trying to train myself to start sleeping on my left side. I'm normally a back sleeper and I've been reading how uncomfortable and bad that is when baby gets bigger pushing on the spine. So I might as well start training now. I've been propping pillows around each side of me to "Bumper" my body from going on my back. It's working out OK so far.
Best moment this week: Working out 3 days in a row this week so far, I feel fantastic!!
Miss Anything? No, maybe caffeine a little bit when I get really sleepy in the afternoons at work. But that has encouraged me to get up and take walks around the building, or outside to feel the cold wintery air. Does the job.
Movement: I haven't felt any movement yet but from what I've been reading on the pregnancy app he is be-bopping all over the place in there and could quite possibly be sucking her thumb even! So cool!! I wonder if we'll have a thumb sucker? I never was one, but my sister was.
Food cravings: The only cravings I get lately are the weekly cheeseburger and fries. Ha ha! Oh, and I craved a beer the other day. I did not indulge, sadly.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still on the "would rather not eat veggies" roller coaster, but have been able to force myselft to eat some as long as there isn't any raw onions on salads and other things.

Have you started to show yet: Yes. Please tell me you see it now? Even Abbey sees it! She's been sniffing my belly but then proceeds to rest her head on it. She loves him already.
Gender: I'm torn. I have no idea. I call him or her him or her as the moment moves me.
Special things I'm focusing on: Keeping up on my crossfit workouts for endurance! I'll need it for labor! :) Also I'm going to try to keep up with doing yoga weekly...that was so great last night, and I really need that awesome stretching in all areas more frequently.
Labor Signs: No labor signs, but have been experiencing aches and pains described as round ligament pains, which I read is due to the stretching of the ligaments that hold my uterus in place. Freee--eaky! I'm so amazed at what my body can do lately. Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: A little whiney, tired but happy.
Looking forward to: Going to bed. It's my favorite part of the day. Also, this weekend I plan on making christmas cookies!
Gratitude abounds! Life is good! :)
Looking forward to: Going to bed. It's my favorite part of the day. Also, this weekend I plan on making christmas cookies!
Gratitude abounds! Life is good! :)
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