How far along? 19 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 12lbs gained (haven't weighed in, still)
Maternity clothes? I wanted to thank you all who left comments on your experiences and places where you found great maternity deals. I haven't checked them all out yet, but plan to. I did happen to stop over the weekend at Dapper & Dainty in Linthicum. I was heading to the airport to pick Eddie up, and had some time to kill before he arrived and it's right down the road. They did have a small selection of maternity things, Liz Lange, Motherhood brands etc., but none were the right sizes for me. Bummer. But they had a ton of adorable baby and toddler clothes. From what I could tell they were in great condition (some still with store tags on) and very affordable too! So if you're in the area, I would recommend checking it out. Also GAP had an amazing sale this week, 50% off on sale items, so I picked up a couple dresses for under $15, and a pair of preggo jeans for under$20! YIPPEEE!!
Stretch marks? Thankfully, still no.
Sleep: Falling asleep early, but am getting a few restless hours in the night.
Best moment this week: Baby gender reveal!!!
Miss Anything? Beer, I'm still craving beer!
Movement: Lots and lots of rolling around in there.
Food cravings: Cheeseburgers. Beer. French Fries. UGH.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, still feeling great.
Have you started to show yet: Baby bump is growing out and up.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, still feeling great.
Have you started to show yet: Baby bump is growing out and up.
Gender: Ok, I'm sure most of you just skipped down to this section once you read that we found out this week. So let's just cut to the chase... I was right! IT'S A BOY!!!!

This is a 4D picture of his backside. He was being camera shy.
This picture he was covering his face.
After our sonogram, we grabbed lunch at the mall and couldn't resist buying our little boy something new!
Special things I'm focusing on: Eating right, working out, getting enough sleep.
The sonogram technician was wonderful. As soon as she saw, she said, "Do you see what I'm seeing?" Eddie, replied, "Is that what I think it is??" and I said, "WHAT? I don't see it, where, what are we looking at!??" The technician pointed it out, r"ight there! There's the penis and testes! It's clear as day!" Then Eddie did a happy dance, I squealed and couldn't stop laughing with pure joy. It was such a happy moment that I will never forget. This is a 4D picture of his backside. He was being camera shy.
This picture he was covering his face.
After our sonogram, we grabbed lunch at the mall and couldn't resist buying our little boy something new!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Over the moon happy!
Looking forward to: SHOPPING!!!
Looking forward to: SHOPPING!!!
1 comment:
Congrats!!!!! So excited for you two. Miss yous!
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