How far along? 15 going on 16 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 12lbs gained
Maternity clothes? I've invested in some other maternity pants, since pretty much only 1 pre-pregnancy pair of jeans still fit comfortably. Leggings are still my go to on weekends, but I can't wear them to work except on Fridays. I got some new ones for Christmas. YIPPEE!! I also ordered some new bras, which I'm anxiously waiting their arrival. I might be up two full cup sizes! Holy MOLY! They are outta control!
Stretch marks? None so far.
Best moment this week: We saw the baby on the sonogram at our last appointment. I was nervous because we tried to hear the heartbeat on the doppler, but couldn't, so to ease me from freaking out, the doc gave in for another sonogram. We saw the heartbeat, and I just couldn't believe how much bigger Baby C is from the last month we saw him. She was mad though throwing punches and kicking, which the doctor said was normal, because they don't like the doppler machine because it's loud for them. I saw legs, feet, arms and hands and we could even see the spine! Amazing! I really have a hard time comprehending that I have an extra set of body parts in my belly...
Miss Anything? I miss sleeping on my back! I got this amazing pregnancy pillow from Eddie for Christmas which has been great from preventing me to roll over on my back, but I still find myself rolling there on top of the pillow.
Movement: I may have felt a flutter or two, but it also could have been gas.
Food cravings: Carbs in the morning is all I want. Bagels or english muffins. I've also had a weird obsession with ketchup lately and ranch dressing. I'll dip anything in them. Mozzarella sticks dipped in ranch anyone?...Not horrible, but it sounded a lot better than it tasted.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, I do get waves of nausea though at night when I'm laying down trying to fall asleep.
Have you started to show yet: I'm showing. You can tell more when I'm wearing more fitted clothing. Or I just look fat now. Ha ha
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, I do get waves of nausea though at night when I'm laying down trying to fall asleep.
Have you started to show yet: I'm showing. You can tell more when I'm wearing more fitted clothing. Or I just look fat now. Ha ha
Gender: We'll find out if we're having a baby boy or baby girl in February at our next appointment! WOOP!!
Wedding rings on or off? On
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