Friday, May 30, 2014

35-36 Weeks

Hi Everyone!  Sorry my posts seem so sporadic these days.  I've been losing energy and motivation for just about everything.  The Memorial Day weekend was greatly appreciated by this lady for the extra day of lounging and putting my feet up!

How far along? 36 weeks
36 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Up 32 lbs. 

Stretch marks? No stretch marks.
Sleep: I'm sleeping ok.  I'm getting up ALOT to go to the bathroom, I counted 5 times the other night.  It hurts now to get up from a side sleeping position.  The belly just aches to lift myself upright.  I try and nap on the weekends, but weekdays are tough on me with a full work day so by 8:30pm I'm ready for bed and still have a hard time getting up in the morning.

35 Weeks

Movement: Baby C is moving ALOT.  He's moving so much it's making me uncomfortable.  I swear I even feel him in my upper leg pulling on some nerve strings.  He's reaching out above his head I think and shoving his little feet between my ribs.  He's running out of room in there, he needs to come out soon.  Please.  :)
Food cravings: Back on the fruit cravings again the past couple weeks.  I can't get enough blueberries, bananas, strawberries, and fruit juices like cranberry and pineapple.  I've also been craving alcohol.  I think it has to do with all the beautiful weather we're having.  I have had a couple virgin mojitos the past few weeks and they are SO good!  Definitely hit the craving.

Special things I'm focusing on:   We have our "Go Bag" pretty much all packed except for a few other essentials I need to get.  Here is a list of what is in there now:



Tucks Medicated Pads

Boob-ease nipple balm

Travel size toiletries, wash clothes

Make- Up

Hair ties and head bands

Baby Stuff:  couple onesies - homecoming outfit, receiving blanket, baby wipes, baby socks, & baby hat

My Pretty Pusher delivery gown and Postpartum underwear (which has a place for the ice packs the hospital gives you. SCORE!)  Use Coupon code KKL006 for 10% off if you're shopping for something like that.

Two blankets (one for Eddie, one for me)


Empty bag (for goodies the hospital gives you)

Nursing lounge dress (I was told that the nurses come "check" on your lady parts every hour and prefer you to not have any pants/shorts on, so I grabbed one of these soft lounge dresses which makes it easy access for nursing too.



Still to get and pack:  I need a Styrofoam cooler for the placenta for encapsulation, a homecoming outfit for myself and Eddie, snacks, breast pump (to be taught by the lactation consultants how to use and manage), water bottles and I'm sure a few other odds and ends I'll throw in the day I'll go into labor.

I compiled this list based on advice from friends and the Doula.

We have installed the car seat in my car.  YIKES!  Feels so weird driving around with that in the back.  I haven't put up the mirror that will show baby, but man...this is all so surreal.

Car seat is ready for Baby C!
On a sad note, I received some bad news this week that I'm still upset about.  Our Doula has backed out on assisting us during birth due to family matters.  I am extremely disappointed with only a month left... give or take before Baby C makes his debut.  She referred another Doula to us, but I'm just not sure at this stage in the game I want to go with someone I haven't even met yet.  Eddie and I are both pretty disappointed about it, however we do feel more comfortable after our few meetings with the Doula we had with all the information she was able to provide us to help us make some tough decisions about birth and after birth procedures. 

Labor Signs: I have been 1cm dilated for the past two weeks!  WOOP!  I have also been having cramping daily and "braxton hicks".  Last night was rough night of braxton hicks...every couple hours or so I would get another one, had one every time I had to get up to pee.

Belly Button in or out? It's an outtie. 

Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing the rings with no real swelling issues.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but tired and uncomfortable.  Been pretty moody about having to wear flats.  I miss heels!!!  I think the flats make me look swollen and puffy.

I had a wonderful surprise baby shower at work this week.  Such a caring work-family I have.  It was a wonderful lunch and they spoiled us with gifts!


 Looking forward to: LABOR! 

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Memorial Weekend.  We did!  Even Buddy got in the spirit!  Eddie and I participated in our Crossfit Box's annual "Murph" workout.  The workout is:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run

I, of course did a modified, barely a quarter of Murph.  I did a 1 mile walk, with 150 air squats, 50 dips, and about 40 ring rows.  Better than nothing, I say!

Friday, May 16, 2014

34 Weeks

34 Weeks
Hello everyone!  I can't believe it's been 4 weeks since my last post!   Oops!!  But so much has happened, so much has changed and so much to tell.

By 32 weeks and having very little energy after work to drag myself to the gym for crossfit, I decided to save the money and put my membership on hold. I was very, very sad about this decision. I felt I had given up. I always told myself I would be one of those people who worked out til the day I went into labor. Well I'm not. The stairs at work, the stairs in the new house, cleaning, and lots of walking is about all the activity my body can seem to handle these days. I get winded very quickly... Baby C is clearly sitting on my lungs.

Everything hurts!  Ok, I may be slightly exaggerating... a little.  My back gets sore for any length of time on my feet, while my calves and my feet also seem to ache.  My DIY foot rest at work has been a lifesaver! ;)  

Footrest at work! ha ha

Eddie and I spent this past Sunday morning doing some yard work at the old house.  While he mowed, I weeded the back garden and dug up some plants to transfer to the new house.  We then went back to the new house, and I then planted all those plants.  By 2pm, I was literally crawling to get to the bathroom.  I thought my back was going to snap in half.  I definitely over did it.  It was a sad realization that my body isn't where my head is.

We successfully completed the birthing class!  Ha ha, which led us to realize we didn't want to deliver at St. Agnes Hospital due to some of their birthing protocols.  I know I don't want to be laboring in a bed, or at least as little as possible.  I want to be mobile, let gravity help the process.  In the birthing class the biggest thing we learned were all different kinds of positions to try during labor... and the worst one to be in was laying in a bed.  I enjoyed the experience with Eddie of the birthing class.  It taught me an important step... to tour some facilities or birthing centers PRIOR to choosing a doctor.  We now have an appointment with a new doctor strictly because we found another birthing hospital we prefer.  Kind of a scary transfer at this stage of the game, but I had some great referrals from the birthing class instructor and spoke to some people on the tour of Mercy Hospital that went to our newly chosen doctor's practice that said some comforting and reassuring things.

We hired a Doula!!!  We had our first prenatal visit with her this week, and she gave us a TON of information!  I'll update you all on that in my next post.  Lots of good info!!

How far along? 34 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Up 31 lbs.  

32 Weeks
Maternity clothes? everything is getting tighter!  My one pair of black maternity pants for work may be just about done with.  They are uncomfortable to wear.  I just ordered two Liz Lange cotton dresses from Target to take me through the home stretch, one size larger than the previous dresses I bought in that brand.  With 6 weeks left, I'm hoping this is it for maternity purchases.
Stretch marks? Still no stretch marks!  WOO HOO
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well...but when I have to get up to go to the bathroom (3-4 times per night) my belly aches.  I'm no longer using just my ab muscles to lift myself up, I'm using my arms and swinging my legs for momentum to get myself up. 

Movement: The kid must have my elbows...paybacks a bitch.

Food cravings: Sweets!  I've been having lots of sweets cravings.  I need to start curbing this new addiction back some, but it's been very easy to indulge since Easter with all the goodies. I've also been snacking on blueberries.


Special things I'm focusing on:   Reminding myself to rest.  I'm also compiling a list to put in our "Go Bag" for the hospital.  Eddie had the "Go Bag" all picked out.  So far the only things I have in there is some after birth underroos as I'm calling them, from my friend Kristin, some tucks pad she gave me also, the baby's homecoming outfit, hat and blanket and some make up.  Ha ha...yes I packed some make up.
Labor Signs: No, other than just being uncomfortable, cause I hear labor is pretty uncomfortable.

Belly Button in or out? It's an outtie.  Eddie told me at 31 weeks that I wasn't allowed to call it a half innie-half outtie anymore.  It's an outtie.  Period.

Wedding rings on or off? Still wearing the rings with no real swelling issues.
Happy or Moody most of the time:   Happy, but tired.

Looking forward to: LABOR!  I know, I'm crazy, but this whole pregnancy thing has been fun and all, and I've been blessed with a great, no issues pregnancy,  but I'm over it.  Let's do this!

34 Weeks