Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Keeping Yourself Accountable

Hi Friends!  I'm trying to get better to schedule in my workouts on a calendar to keep me more accountable to actually doing them.  To Summarize, I'm trying to get in a mile run/walk 5 days per week, and 3 crossfit workouts per week. 

My October Workout Calendar

Yesterday I was successful with a mile and the following crossfit workout:
5 Rounds for Time~
5 Burpees
10 Push- ups
15 Superman's
20 Air- Squats  

My mile time sucks (10:31)....I got under 11 minutes though!  Ha ha, that's good for me.  Just another goal though to get my time down.  The crossfit workout I completed in 17 minutes.  WOOP WOOP!    How do you keep yourself accountable and motivated to workout consistently?    

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