Monday, October 22, 2012


Hello, Friends.  Over the weekend I was busy doing homework for the class I'm taking, and I dismally admitted to myself that I hadn't done any of my workouts all week long.  FAIL.  So much for my Accountability Calendar!  I've been trying to get ahead in my school work so when I go to South Carolina this weekend to visit my friend Kristin, I could really just enjoy it and not have to think about school work.  Anyway...this whole calendar, keeping myself accountable for excercising, and eating right consistently is just a lot of work!  A LOT!  Especially this time of year when all I want to do is eat, watch movies, snuggle with my puppies and bury myself under warm, fuzzy blankets. 

I work for a Wine and Spirits distribution company, and we have a "season" called O.N.D.  which stands for October, November, December.  OND, for my company is the busiest time of the year...mostly because of football, and all the holidays.  I giggle, because I changed the acronym OND to Obviously No Diets.    HA HA.  Well seriously, October, it starts to get cold, and apple crisp, pumpkins scones, pumpkin latte's, pumpkin muffins, pies, etc... fill my head with their goodness and then of course Thanksgiving comes sneakily out of nowhere, and then Christmas...  BAM CHRISTMAS!  I hate to break it to you, but Christmas is 10 weeks away! point is....working out and eating healthy is important to me, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it.  I'm going to enjoy life.  Be an epicure of the season's treats, hold close to the ones I love and be mindful of my choices. 

HAPPY OND to you and 'Toasts ma goats!'

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